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What are the benefits of TAVI/TAVR procedure?​

TAVI/TAVR like other minimally invasive approaches may have the following advantages

  • Lower risk of infection​
  • Less stress to the chest and heart muscle
  • Shorter hospital stays
  • Faster healing
  • Ability to return to normal activities sooner​
  • Valve leaks​
    • Sometimes blood leaks around the new valve because the replacement is not big enough, did not fully expand, or has interference from calcium buildup. We have access to newer, more effective models under development.​
  • Pacemakers
    • When valves open during placement, they can sometimes press on the heart’s electrical system and make a pacemaker necessary. Newer models aim to address this problem.​
  • Kidney damage
    • The contrast dye used for imaging can hurt your kidneys, though the problem is usually reversible.
  • Vessel damage
    • Passing catheters through your arteries can potentially damage them. The damage is usually repairable through a catheter or with open vascular surgery.​
  • Stroke
    • A small percentage of people undergoing TAVR have developed a stroke, either during the procedure or in the days immediately following it.
  • Death
    • While TAVR is an effective and often much-needed treatment for sicker people, they face a very low possibility of not surviving the procedure.​

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